
Revelation of an endless time

Mercedes de la Garza; Texto de introducción y coordinación curatorial
Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia

Mayas, Revelation of an Endless Time spotlights a civilization of wondrous and vast cultural wealth that has survived for millennia. After its exhibition in the Gallery of the Palacio Nacional in Mexico City, the Museu da Cidade Oca do Ibirapuera in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and the Musée du quai Branly in Paris, we are honoured that this legacy can now also be shared in the World Museum of the National Museums of Liverpool in the United Kingdom. Maya culture remains alive and well and still offers amazing diversity. Today, thirty-some languages comprising the Mayan linguistic family are still spoken. Discoveries never cease thanks to the dedicated work of archaeologists and anthropologists at hundreds of sites in Maya territory. In Mexico, the archaeological map and studies of this great culture continue to grow and generate new knowledge. The magnificent Maya cities of Calakmul, Palenque, Uxmal, and Chichén Itzá, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritaje list, continue to share their secrets, revealing the wisdom of the ancient inhabitants, their socio-economic organization, the complexity of their thought, and the aesthetic power of their creations. The exhibition features masterpieces from the states of Campeche, Chiapas, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, and Yucatán. These works bring us closer to Maya architecture, cosmogony and religion, as well as their conception of time (with connotations unique to this civilisation), political structure, and daily life. Visitors can view polychrome ceramic, representations alluding to astronomy, human figures, the nobility, warriors, and captives, not to mention mothers with their children. The pieces also display images of gods, animals, underworld beings, stelae, carved disks, columns, portraits in stucco, ceramic, as well as celts, necklaces, pectorals, ornamental jade pieces, masks, obsidian blades, and musical instruments, such as flutes and drums.

junio 2015
Ciudad de México
pasta dura
228 mm
307 mm
23 mm
1931 gr
- 0 %

Revelation of an endless time


Catálogo de publicaciones

003ova1049Afecciones en juego
003OVA1084La presencia de la orden del Carmen descalzo en la Nueva España
003OVA1077La plaza principal, su entorno y su historia
003cas0023Juan D. Vasallo
003ova1054Consulado de México año de 1809
003OVA1061Un acercamiento a las placas conmemorativas y a los escudos de los siglos XVI a XIX en la Ciudad de México
003OVA1081La osadía se viste de mujer
003OVA1068Historia, catálogo actual y desarrollo urbano-arquitectónico del Panteón de San Fernando
003ova1073Mui' sapook
003ova1028El Panteón Francés de la Piedad
003ova1079Enterramientos humanos del sitio arqueológico Lomas del Real, Altamira, Tamaulipas
003ova1040El viaje estético
003odi0878La Dama de la Discordia
003ova1078Alma en boca, huesos en costal. Negros en la Nueva España
003ova1072Esteban Pavletich
003ODI0857Semillas de vida
003OVA1019En busca del alma nacional
003OVA0856Historias de la época colonial y del siglo XIX en México

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