
The Smile's Magic on the Gulf of Mexico

Pedro Francisco Sánchez Nava
Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia

For more tan seventy-six years, the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) of Mexico has devoted its energies to recovering, researching, preserving, and disseminating Mexican archaeological, anthropological, historical, and paleontological patrimony in order tu strengthen the identity and memory of the cultural diversity of the Mexican nation. In October 2015 INAH produced a publication in Portuguese with a selection of terracotta smiling figurines. Research continued and the present volumen is the result of a splendid curatorial endeavor that gave rise to a rich exhibition as part of the efforts of the Ministry of Culture, through INAH, to spread awarenees of this remarkable wealth of Mexico’s patrimony representing the legacy of cultures and peoples tha shape our identity today. To celebrate this heritage, a selection of these magnificent clay pieces populary known as the “little similing faces” of Veracruz has been chosen por display. Commonly referred to as “little similing faces”, because in most cases only the heads of the efigies have been found, in reality they were conceived as complete anthropomorphic figures, whose bodies were lost perhaps as a result of their fragility or from their use in a rituals. Some are hollow and at times, they serve as musical instruments. Whatever their purpose, they are representations of men and women -almost always adults, occasionally children- created by ethnic groups that until a few decades ago were called Totonacs, and that are now generically referred to as Gulf Cultures, because experts now know tha the Gulf Coast of Mexico was a multicultural zone when these figurines were produced in the Classic period. Laughter, as a human expresión, is a universal display of emotion that does not solely express joy. Its interpretation can differ and vary depending on the period and the social group.

Ciudad de México
pasta dura
304 mm
305 mm
23 mm
2031 gr
- 0 %

Catálogo de publicaciones

003OVA1061Un acercamiento a las placas conmemorativas y a los escudos de los siglos XVI a XIX en la Ciudad de México
003odi0862La acrópolis de Cantona
003ova1040El viaje estético
003odi0866La guerra zapatista 1916-1919
003odi0865Belleza y Virtud
003OVA1022Pirámides de acero
003ova1025Vista Hermosa
003ova1050Vocabulario relativo a las danzas totonacas
003ODI0876Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
003ODI0857Semillas de vida
003odi0861Que de dónde, amigo, vengo
003ova1093Intención franciscana de evangelizar entre los mayas rebeldes
003ova1036Ideología y poder en el México prehispánico
003odi0859Piedras de Fuego y Agua
003OVA1069La invención de la música indígena de México
003OVA1082A la búsqueda del significado del uso ritual de mandíbulas humanas y animales en Mesoamérica
003ODI0844Arqueología de la Arqueología
003OVA1068Historia, catálogo actual y desarrollo urbano-arquitectónico del Panteón de San Fernando
003OVA1062La Malinche: de la historia al mito

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